Ask the Past: sadness I'm feeling kind of sad at the moment. Can you suggest anything that will cheer me up?
Ask the Past: teenage drama Just when I thought I would be taking a break from Ask the Past for a little while I received this message which felt like it needed a reply: My teenage daughter is prone to conniptions and the vapours. How might one put a stop to these unhealthy behaviours? Yours
Ask the Past: dog biscuits My dog is a really fussy eater, and they have discontinued the brand of biscuits that he likes. I thought I might try making some homemade ones to see if he'd like those better than the other kind at the supermarket that he refuses to eat. Can you recommend some recipes?
Ask the Past: despondence I'm feeling really depressed about the election result. Is there anything you can recommend?
Ask the Past: Energy boost I recently started a new gym routine, and I'm enjoying it, but it's wearing me out. I am tired and hungry all the time, and I get really grumpy in the afternoons. I don't drink coffee after 2. What else can you recommend for a quick energy boost that will fill me up?
Ask the Past: better left unasked Tēnā koe. I was wondering, dearest Happy Family Happy Home, whether you could help ease my confusion regards the appropriate manner that I should conduct myself when in the company of members of my own sex? I am male, and have long been plagued by a sense of a desire
Ask the Past: fur coat I've inherited my grandmother's fur coat, and it's looking a bit grubby. What's the best way to clean fur?
Ask the Past: hot drinks I'm giving up caffeine for a month, and I don't know how I'll manage without tea and coffee. Can you recommend any other hot drinks that I can start my day with?
Ask the Past: menopause I have been having a lot of hot flashes recently, and I would love a good home remedy for them. What can you suggest?
Ask the Past: back pain I hurt my back the other day lifting something I shouldn't have, and I can't get a physio appointment until next week. Are there any remedies I can try in the meantime?