Dish of the day: end of summer

Although it may not feel like it, tomorrow is the first day of autumn. Let's see what kind of delicious treats are on offer to round out summer.

365 Puddings has a recipe for Wafer Pudding (Bakeless) for February 28th which does sound reasonably summery, and if you feel like it's too hot wherever you are to turn the oven on, this might be just the thing:

Cream 1/4 lb butter and 1/4 cup sugar, add a few chopped walnuts and 1 small tin of pineapples. Mix well, fold in stiffly beaten white of 1 egg. Line bottom of glass dish with layer of vanilla wafers (using 1/2 lb for entire pudding) then put layer of mixture then waters and mixture alternately, ending with wafers, and allow to set for 12 hours. Serve with whipped cream.

The Red Cross War-Time Rationing Cookery Book was obviously either more tolerant of turning the oven on on a hot day or was looking ahead to autumn with their February 28th recipe for Light and Fluffy Chocolate Cake, so perhaps save this one for tomorrow:

2 oz butter or dripping, 1/2 breakfastcup sugar, 1 dessertspoon syrup, 1/2 cup milk, 1 small teaspoon baking poweder, 1 egg, 1 breakfastcup flour, 1 tablespoon Bournville Cocoa, 1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Essence, 1 level teaspoon baking soda. Cream dripping, sugar, beat in egg. Then warmed syrup and milk and soda - then dry ingredients. Bake in moderate oven about 3/4 hour. This makes a good pudding, served hot, with a custard sauce.

I'm sure that will help.

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