Bouquet interpretation: anticipation

Once again, the florist that I walk past when I'm headed to my favourite cafe had some complicated bouquets out the front:

A bouquet of flowers wrapped in brown paper. Most of the flowers are white or pale pink, but there is one bright blue flower in a patch of sunlight to the left of centre.

There are several flowers here that have meanings. We've got:

  • Tulip: Fame
  • Pink rose: no specific meaning, but roses generally mean love
  • Anemone: Sickness. Expectation. Anticipation
  • Ten week stock: Promptness

This is a hard bouquet to pin down to one meaning, but together, it means something like "Everyone knows you're slow to do things, and I'm sick of waiting around. I'd love it if you would hurry up and get on with it." A useful one to give to your dog who refuses to go outside in the rain, your coworker who is quite clearly playing around on their phone rather than sending you the document you asked for, or your flatmate/partner/child who never does their share of the housework. In fact, everyone should keep a couple of these bouquets on hand at all times.

I'm sure that will help.

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