Bouquet interpretation: dual meanings
A slightly belated post this week, because I'm in Brisbane visiting my aunt.
This is a picture of her garden:

It might be hard to see everything from the photo, but she says what she's growing are azaleas (temperance), camellias (compassion, benevolence) a magnolia (tranquility), and anthurium (the heart), as well as what she tells me are some kind of Australian violet that don't appear in any of my lists.
I can see a couple of possible meanings for this garden, but I think most likely it is saying either: "Welcome to my house, which is the heart of tranquility and benevolence", or possibly "If you bastards next door don't have some compassion and stop the loud drunken parties, I'll come over there and stab you through the heart". A versatile garden for a variety of neighbours and guests.
I'm sure that will help.